Planned Giving

Building Hope in the Lives of others Through Planned Giving

Reverend Shawn and Jamie Morrison

In making a planned gift to Good in the ‘Hood, you are not only establishing your own legacy in the hearts of others, but you are also helping Good in the ‘Hood to address some of the most pressing issues in our communities. From addressing homelessness to hunger, your partnership with Good in the ‘Hood through your planned giving will insure that countless lives are touched with profound hope.

How can you partner with Good in the ‘Hood in your Planned Giving?

There are many vehicles that you can use to remember Good in the ‘Hood in your legacy. Here are but a few:

BEQUEST: Designate Good in the ‘Hood as the beneficiary of your assets by will, or a beneficiary designation form. A charitable bequest is one of the easier, flexible and most tax efficient ways that you can leave a gift to Good in the ‘Hood that will make a lasting impact.

IRA ROLLOVER: You may be looking for a way to make a lasting difference to help further the mission and vision of Good in the ‘Hood. If you are 70 ½ or older, an IRA charitable rollover is a way you can support our work, avoid unnecessary income tax and benefit you and us this year and every year.

BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION GIFTS: Designate Good in the ‘Hood as a beneficiary of your retirement account, Investment account, bank account or a life insurance policy. This is an easy and flexible way to make a difference in our mission.

CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUST: With this charitable trust strategy, you can fund the trust with a variety of appreciated assets: cash, marketable securities, real estate, business interests, and personal assets. The trust sells your property tax free; you receive a charitable tax deduction to reduce your personal income tax and the trust provides you and/or your family with income for life or for a set term of years.

CHARITABLE POOLED TRUST: A charitable trust that is like a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, but offers a significantly higher immediate income tax deduction, a more flexible income stream to the grantors, and an opportunity to leave a significant charitable gift at the end of the term of the trust. The trust is funded with cash or marketable securities.

CHARITABLE LEAD TRUST: With this strategy, you fund a charitable trust that makes a gift to the trust and the trust makes an annual (or more frequent) stream of income to your favorite charities for a term of years. At the end of the term, the trust principle returns to you or your designated beneficiaries.

CHARITABLE LIFE ESTATE: This strategy is perfect for the grantor(s) who don’t need their home to be retained in their estate. It offers an immediate income tax deduction for a deferred gift of the value of your home or residential property.

These are just a few of the ways you can consider Good in the ‘Hood in your legacy planning. Feel free to contact us or have your financial advisor / estate attorney contact us if we can be of further assistance in your legacy planning.

Good in the ‘Hood exists to inspire individuals to engage their community with acts of intentional kindness

Tens of thousands of individuals since 2003 have experienced intentional kindness through Good in the ‘Hood programs in communities around the Twin Cities. Every person is met with dignity, every time. Whether they eat a warm meal, finish a needed home project, receive loving foot care, receive support through our youth and holiday programming, or even find incredible dignity through purchasing a new pair of shoes at a price they can afford – they don’t only receive, they participate.

We believe in the power of connecting and engaging. If you believe that each person is worthy of belonging, you will fit right in at Good in the ‘Hood. Communities are being changed. Lives are being changed. One person at a time. Through intentional acts of kindness.

Thank you for considering how to maximize your impact through planned giving.

Reverend Shawn Morrison

Reverend Jamie Morrison

Our EIN is: 01-0768296

Our corporate address:
2101 Chicago Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404

We are an open book! If there is any information you need from us, please do not hesitate to contact us!