Good in the ‘Hood and our Shoe Away Hunger program are pleased to offer a personal development platform for those who are interested in growing and gaining experience and life skills. With this in mind, we offer our NEXT STEPS INTERNSHIP. This opportunity is for college students and/or anyone who may be interested in receiving hands-on training and experiential learning opportunities. This practitioner-based internship experience focuses upon two primary areas of personal development: Character and Competency.
We offer a team-oriented approach that provides education, encouragement, affirmation, and redirection as needed. We find personal development is most effective when it is integrated within a healthy culture. We cultivate an environment that we refer to as a “GREENHOUSE of GRACE”. A typical greenhouse offers the following:
- A safe environment for plants to grow.
- An effective environment for promoting plant growth.
- A place that prepares plants to successfully live in the real-world environment.
Similarly, our goal is to develop emotionally mature men and women by providing them training that is within the confines of a safe and healthy environment, one that promotes personal growth and a culture that prepares each one to successfully live and become a contributing member of our society.
Some of the key practices and values that we encourage include, but are not limited to, are: faithfulness, respect, timeliness, integrity, personal initiative, healthy communication and trustworthiness.
While good character is the foundation, we have found that gaining certain skillsets and personal proficiencies are necessary components for one to enjoy a healthy sense of purpose and to become a meaningful contributor to our society. Our objective is to offer an environment that encourages people to recognize opportunities and to actively engage in willing service: in short, to learn what it means to take personal initiative and to practice good decision-making skills. This real-life context enables our interns to grow in capability from mere task orientation, to become those who are able to effectively manage responsibility. Competencies can range from customer service skills, supervisory leadership, inventory management, sales and marketing, social media, warehouse/forklift skills, food ordering/management, etc.
To learn more or to apply for our NEXT STEPS INTERNSHIP opportunity, please contact our Director of Operations and Human Resources at info@goodinthehood.org or call 612-217-4003.